Saturday, July 5, 2014

Cantaloupe - 1

Alright, so I went and took pictures of my garden and am going to write a post about each one I'm growing. It will be awesome to go back through the tags and see my plants in progress! First up is Cantaloupe. Cantaloupe is the only thing that my dad ever tried to grow with me when I was a child and it was an epic failure. Needless to say, I didn't learn anything and the only thing I do remember from that time is the plant dying and the ground being blamed.

I refuse to let that happen again! haha

So, today, this is what my little cantaloupe plant looks like.

Doesn't it just look so nice? You can even see the little leaves that will make up the plant truly starting to bud in the center. I can't wait to do my second cantaloupe picture. *Place excited squeal here.* 

Right now all I really have is a seedling. In one of my previous posts where I still had the cantaloupe in the bag, it was a seedling. (Bare with me, I'm learning on the terminology so if I'm wrong on something I imagine I'll correct it in a future post.) From what I can find online these little leaves are called cotyledons and my cantaloupe has two of them (some plants only have one). I currently have all three of my little cantaloupe seedlings. I had put 4 on the baggie, but only 3 germinated. I transplanted all three hoping two would survive the transplant but so far, all three seem to be surviving though one does seem to be touch and go. I'll have to keep an eye on it (not that it will do much good but it makes me feel better).

I'm so excited. I have a baby cantaloupe! :D

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