Monday, April 20, 2015

Flowers - 2

It's been a little over a week since my last update. Living in Colorado, I knew it was inevitable but I was hoping this year would skip it anyways.

It snowed. First it got cold. Then it rained. Then it freakin' snowed. None of my plants were killed because we got them all inside when we noticed it getting a bit cooler than normal out... but I can't say they particularly enjoyed being on my kitchen table or in my window either :p

Todays' been the first nice day since the last time I took pictures so, naturally, I had to take pictures! First up are my flowers.

First up are my Sweet Pea flowers. I can't wait to see these beauties grow big and tall! They are doing really well and are fun to watch grow. There is one, it has no leaves and is just growing super tall. You can see it in the back. I also snuck in a seed or two of columbines so it will be fun to see if we get anything from that. I think this is just going to have to be our experimental flower pot haha 

Next up are my Dianthus! 

In my last post, I talked about how this flower pot was mostly my daughter's (she's four) and the seeds didn't get put in any special order, though we tried. This one mostly has the larger flowers and you'll see some smaller ones snuck throughout which are the third type of flower we put in the pot. They are almost like mini versions of the larger Dianthus :p

I'm sure this year, we planted the flowers way to close together and they are obviously mixed throughout but I think when they bloom we will have some truly gorgeous images to share!!! And hopefully we'll find out if we were right about what the smaller flower sprouts are. My guess is Zinnias but we will have to find out eventually! 

My next flower update will also include (hopefully) pictures of the flower pot I got started today which has our Columbines in it! 

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