Sunday, April 26, 2015


This season, I decided to embark on a grand adventure. We're going to be growing artichokes! They take forever to grow (150-180 days) and will need a very large container... but we love artichokes since they run $3-4 each at the store... $2 on a bag of seeds and seeing what happened couldn't be much more (you know, if you don't count the cost of the containers and soil required LOL).

Like my little frog? :p 
I germinated them using the baggie method, which proved to be really interesting. Unlike last year, where I only germinated cantaloups, cucumbers, lettuce, etc using this method... artichokes take a long time to germinate. It took them at least 14 days before I saw the seeds do anything and from there, they were very slow growing. I actually had to carefully make up a new paper towel with water and a new bag because the other one grew mold. Yuck. :/ Next year I think I may just get a seed heating pad :p

But, we have three sprouts that survived transplant and are growing well so I'm hopeful and excited!!

We started these things at least a month ago and this is all we've got to show for it so far. Come September, we should have some really taste artichokes though! 

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